Robotics in libraries is used for internal operations as well as public services, in addition to automated information storage and retrieval. Robotics such as Temi has an immediate impact on libraries and the larger information (and social) environment in which libraries and librarians of all types of work. The presence of temi in libraries gives librarians more time to focus on other important information service delivery to today's dynamic needs. Some of the areas where robotic technologies have been applied to library operations, according to include shelving and locating library materials, security, inquiries and answering of repetitive reference and directional queries, outreach and public relation (PR) via library tour and even information illiteracy instruction.

Afaq Almarefa Project:

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-18 at 07.45.15
WhatsApp Image 2022-10-18 at 07.45.15 (1)