AI is not just another technology or project to consider, implementing intelligence and technology in a project is great. It improves the businesses and make it flourish, from this application, intelligence technology in the Sultanate of Oman offers training courses in the field of intelligence and learning techniques, with the aim to improve the skills of learner and implement it in their working space. This project opens a new learning window for learner to gain and improve their experience
List Of Courses:
AI for Business Professionals

Course Topics:
AI Fundamentals for Non-Specialist
AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
AI Applications in People Management
AI Strategy and Governance
Target group:
General managers and CEOs
Project Managers
Marketing and sales managers
Business consultants
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course will provide learners with the fundamentals of using Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning and the various areas in which you can deploy them to support your business. The course will cover ethics and risks of AI, designing governance frameworks to fairly apply AI, and also cover people management in the fair design of HR functions within Machine Learning. will also learn effective marketing strategies using data analytics, and how personalization can enhance and prolong the customer journey and lifecycle.
Business Digital Transformation

Course Topics:
Business Digital Transformation with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Data Manipulation in RPA
UI Automation and Selectors & Control Flow in RPA
Approach and activities for Error Handling
Automation Techniques in RPA
Orchestrators and Capstone Projects
Target group:
General managers and CEOs
Marketing, sales managers and Project Managers
Business consultants
IT Engineers and Managers
Automation Engineers
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course talk about digital transformation the pace of change and the imperative it creates for businesses and provide the context for this transformation and what it takes to win in the digital age. This course helps you identify key areas to digitize, including strategy, core processes, and technology.
Business intelligence and data analytics

Course Topics:
Basics of insight generation
Basic statistics: Foundations of quantitative insights
The normal distribution and histograms
Data visualization
Advanced charts and dashboards
Demand forecasting
Target group:
Business consultants
Solution Architects
Business Analyst
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course will teach you the most important skills required to kick start or advance your journey with data analysis. Learn how to use the most popular business intelligence tools and programming languages to explore, understand, and master data.
Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

Course Topics:
Cyber Security Introduction and fundamentals
Security of Networks, Systems, Applications, and Data
Security Implications and Adoption of Evolving Technology
AI Core Concepts & Detecting Cybersecurity Threats with AI
Protecting Sensitive Information and Assets
Evaluating and Testing your AI detection system
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course has been designed to learn about the role of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity field. The learners will understand the artificial intelligence and its work with cyber security.
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

Course Topics:
Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Malware Threats
Vulnerability Analysis and System Hacking, Sniffing and Social Engineering
Denial-of-Service and Session Hijacking, Hacking Web Servers and Web Applications
SQL Injection and IoT Hacking
Hacking Wireless Networks and Mobile Platforms
Cloud Computing and Cryptography
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course provides an in-depth understanding of ethical hacking phases, various attack vectors, and preventative countermeasures. It will teach you how hackers think and act so you will be better positioned to set up your security infrastructure and defend against attacks. By providing an understanding of system weaknesses and vulnerabilities, the CEH course helps students learn to protect their organizations and strengthen their security controls in order to minimize the risk of a malicious attack.
Programming Essentials in python

Course Topics:
Introduction to essentials in python
Basics of programming in python 3
Control flow and loops, Functions
Collection type, Modules and packaging
Exceptions handling and regular expression
Object-oriented programming
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Developers, Business Analyst
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers, Solution Architects
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
Programming Essentials in Python is a two-course series that covers all the basics of programming in Python, as well as general computer programming concepts and techniques, and the object-oriented approach. Each student has access to hands-on practice materials, labs, quizzes, and assessments.
Furthermore, they will be ready to attempt the following qualifications:
PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer.
PCAP - Python Certified Associate Programmer.
Deep Learning with Python

Course Topics:
introduction to deep learning, Libraries and framework
Supervised learning
Unsupervised deep learning
Deep learning for computer vision
Graphics processing unit (GPU)
Capstone Project
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Developers, Business Analyst
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers, Solution Architects
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
Deep learning is increasingly becoming a standard tool in machine learning, data science, and statistics. Deep learning is now used in most technology, business, and entertainment areas.
This course will practically introduce you to supervised and unsupervised Deep Learning technology through a set of exercises and projects.
Natural Language Processing with python

Course Topics:
Introduction to natural language processing
Introduction to file handling
NLP concept and tools
Simple text processing
Advanced text processing
Implementation of Machine learning in NLP
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Developers, Business Analyst
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers, Solution Architects
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
Python For NLP is designed to be your complete online resource for learning how to use Natural Language Processing with Python. This course will cover everything you need to learn to start your journey with NLP. This course is completely based on exercises and projects for you to practice such as “Next Word Prediction”, “Spam Or Ham Email Filter” and "Articles Classification.
Machine Learning with MATLAB

Course Topics:
Introduction to Machine Learning
Neural Network architecture, Training of Deep Neural Network
Neural Network and Classification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Popular classification, and regression algorithms for supervised learning
Popular clustering algorithms for unsupervised learning
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Developers, Business Analyst
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This course comprehensively introduces practical ML, DL, and artificial neural networks. You will learn how to create, train, and evaluate different kinds of ML models and algorithms. Also, will work on data preparation, design, simulation, and deployment for deep neural networks and other ML models.
Python for Robotics

Course Topics:
Introduction, Moving Your Robot
Repeating Behaviours, Navigating a Maze
Detecting Walls from a Distance
Knowing Your Location
Decisions with Colors
Moving Disks with Loops, Developing Algorithms
Target group:
IT managers & Engineers
Digital Transformation consultants/ managers
Automation Engineers
Researchers and academicians
College/University Students and/or Graduates
Brief description of the course:
This is an introductory course where students use VEXcode VR to learn and practice computational thinking and coding using Python. Each lesson within a single Unit provides a scaffolded approach to the Computer Science concept, leading students to complete independent challenges to apply STEM concepts.
Python for Game Development

Course Topics:
Introduction to python
Introduction to 2D Video Games
Basic Fundamentals of Python
Build GUI
Build Games
Final Project
Target group:
College/University Students and/or Graduates
School Students
Brief description of the course:
the learner will enter the world of fun, entertainment, learning, and making games by themselves, through the Python programming language, whereby the end of the course they will be able to make new games they can imagine.
STEM Teaching Strategy

Course Topics:
Use data to identify STEM areas of need in school and plan to address these needs using a collaborative inquiry approach
Raise awareness on the importance on STEM Education discussing all its characteristics.
Explore and discover the benefits that the STEM Education can foster and Develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies.
Help participants acknowledge all the different ways in which the STEM Education can be implemented in everyday learning
Learn how to develop and implement the technology to be related to the STEM curriculum
Improve the STEM curriculum by implementing new teaching methods and Understanding how important is to adopt the technology into teaching methods.
Target group:
Teachers and school principles
Brief description of the course:
Teachers play an instrumental role in the successful implementation of the STEM programs. It is very important to have well trained teachers to deliver top class STEM curriculum in class. Teachers in this course will gain a new skill and Discover methods for teaching science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). They will develop a new strategy to develop and implement the technologies into the STEM curriculum.