The Edu-AI Lab is a turnkey, state of the art modular learning space designed to enable students’ rotation between the artificial intelligence stations.
The AI educational lab provides learners with practical hands-on activities exposing them to multiple disciplines and various scenarios in which artificial intelligence takes control of our learning lives. It gives students a unique and rich learning experience to ensure that they are ready for their careers, college, and the new era of life.

AITECHOM has become pioneer in this filed by implementing the technologies of Edu AI lab into three different schools in two different countries giving AITECHOM the expertise to improving the learning methods and technique in your school or university for better students’ learning experience.
What is Edu AI Lab?
STEM educational system designed based on multi-learning platforms.
Why Edu AI Lab?
The main aim of Edu AI Lab is to enhance teaching results by practically implementing STEM concepts in school subjects.
What is Edu AI Lab?
STEM educational system designed based on multi-learning platforms.

Enhance Learning Outcomes
The main aim of Edu AI Lab is to enhance teaching results by practically implementing STEM concepts in school subjects.
Helping Teachers to create their own content
- Educational and technical training.
- Support from education experts.

Flexible Implementation & Installation
After School Activities

In Classroom Activities

Edu AI Platforms
Assemblable Robots

Virtual Robots

Edu AI Platforms

3D Printing

Edu-AI Lab Packages

Sample Lesson Plan: High School
14 -17 years


Sample Lesson Plan: Secondary School
11-13 years


Sample Lesson Plan: Primary School
8-10 years


Applied Math Classes
Linear Measurement

Perimeter Calculation

Applied Math Classes
Numbers Estimating

Angle Measurements

Use Cases
Robotics Competition @ Phanag- Malaysia

Lab installation @ Tanga - Tanzania